2014年4月14日 星期一

I Learnt….

Today I learned something which makes me become a more mature person.
It was lunchtime and the bell rang. At once, I rushed to the washroom. I went back to the classroom and while I was walking along the corridor, I saw something through the window which angered me. I saw my classmate pushing all the things on my desks onto the floor, including my handbook, my pencil case, exercise books and some textbooks.
I pointed my finger at her and my face went red with anger. I scolded her angrily. She looked embarrassed and did not respond. Soon, she apologized to me. Yet, I was still angry.
When I was back to my seat, I saw her picking up the worksheets busily which were spread all over the floor. I started to be curious and asked my neighbor what she was doing.
My neighbor explained that a few minutes ago, a student was rushing into the classroom hastily and bumped into the class monitress carelessly. She did not react quickly enough so her elbow pushed my belongings onto the floor.
After hearing the story, I was ashamed for scolding her rudely because it was not her intention to mess up my things.

I felt sorry and apologized to her because I blamed her wrongly. I learned that I should not scold others easily without understanding the matter clearly.

