2014年1月21日 星期二

An Unforgettable Birthday for Hello Kitty

Hello Kitty was a Primary six student. She was a sociable and friendly girl so she had a lot of friends. Her birthday was coming soon and she expected her friends to sing a birthday song to her.

That special day came and she got up with joy and excitement.

“Good morning, my Darling. Happy Birthday to you!” said Dad and Mom together happily. They gave her a big gift wrapped nicely.

“Thank you Dad and Mom,” said Hello Kitty excitedly.

On her way to school, Hello Kitty imagined that her friends would sing a birthday song to her and she smiled.

However, when she arrived at the school, she was disappointed because no one even said hello to her. Worse than that, when she met her best friend Melody, Melody ran away from her and pretended that she did not see her. Hello Kitty was very angry.

“I was so nice to you guys and always share my snacks with all of you. How come you all forget my birthday?” Hello Kitty thought to herself and her heart sank deeply.

Time passed and the school finished. Everybody left quickly. Hello Kitty was very upset and she went home alone slowly with heavy steps.

The moment when she unlocked the door, she was shocked.

“Surprise! Hello Kitty!” all her classmates cheered loudly. They hurried to Hello Kitty’s home immediately afterschool because they planned to give a surprise party to Hello Kitty.

Hello was very touched and tears ran down her face.

“Thank you so much, my buddies,” said Hello Kitty sincerely.

The whole class sang a birthday song to Hello Kitty and they gave a big birthday present to her. It was a huge teddy bear which Kitty had dreamed of having one for a long time.

 Kitty thanked her classmates again wholeheartedly. They ate the birthday cake which was baked by Kitty’s mom. The cake was in the shape of Hello Kitty. Everybody enjoyed the party and it was an unforgettable day for Hello Kitty!

