2013年7月17日 星期三

The Dream of Sandra – Part 1

      Once, there lived a poor girl called Sandra Leung, who was kind and helpful. Her dad died when she was 5 years old in a car accident so her mum was the only breadwinner.  Mrs. Leung worked hard for a living.  In the daytime, she worked as a domestic helper and in order to earn more, she also worked part-time as a cleaner in a restaurant.

      Sandra was an obedient girl.  Seeing that mom worked for long hours, she also studied hard so that she could always get scholarship to finance her study.    

At the age of 12, one day, it was a day-off for mom.  Sandra went to a nearby shopping mall with her mother to watch the open dance performance.  On the stage, she saw a dancer who wore a pretty dress and danced beautifully and gracefully.  

