2013年7月29日 星期一

The Dream of Sandra - The End

Everyone, including the judges, the contestants and the important one, her dance instructor, Chelsea Wan, came to congratulate her sincerely.  They all shared her happiness.

In the end, Sanda was asked to make a speech. “Thank you very much for all your support and appreciation.  I want to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to two very respectable people in my life.  They are my mother and my ballet coach Miss Wan.” 

After this achievement, Sanda continued to polish and brush up her ballet skills and finally she became a very successful ballet dancer which was well-known in the world.

The Dream of Sandra - Part 4

      The next day, Sandra got up in good spirit. She got ready to attend the important event.  When she arrived to the venue, she was still quite relaxed.  However, while she was waiting behind the stage for her performance, she was getting more and more nervous because she was the last one on the list to present.

      When the master ceremony uttered her name, Sandra came out to the stage elegantly and confidently.  She danced skillfully and performed unexpectedly well, even better than her usual performance. After her presentation, all the audience clapped their hands loudly to show their appreciation.  The adjudicators looked very satisfied.  Nearly all of them gave her full marks.  At the end, Sandra was the champion in the competition.

2013年7月22日 星期一

The Dream of Sandra - Part 3

      After a few years when she was 15, her ballet teacher Chelsea Wan saw that she had great potential in her performance. Therefore, Miss Wan urged her to attend an international ballet competition which was held in Australia.  She even took the responsibility to pay all the expenses on travel and accommodation, as well as costumes and other miscellaneous expenses.

      Before the competition, Sandra spent 10 hours every day practicing ballet. While taking meals, she was thinking about how to improve her ballet skills and performance on stage. 

When she arrived Australia, she locked herself inside the dance room provided by the organizer. Then she practiced ballet days and nights.  However, she also took enough sleep and a balanced diet every day before the competition in order to keep herself in the best condition.

      The night before the competition, she was nervous so she prayed to God and finally she fell asleep. She also slept quite soundly that night.