2013年4月10日 星期三

A Magic Wish Well - Part 4

     The next day, it was Sharon’s birthday. After school, Kiki said, “May I come to help you prepare for the party?”

     Sharon answered, “Of course. Thanks so much, Kiki. You’re so nice!” 

     On their way home, suddenly, Sharon saw the same strange, deep brown hole while walking along the path. Soon, Kiki also saw it and asked, “What’s that?”

     Sharon said, “Oh, I’ve seen it two days before but I just left. This time, let’s get a closer look together.”

     They walked closer and saw the well again.  On the well, it wrote in big words, “A Magic Wish Well”.  Below the large words, there were some smaller words which wrote, “You can make a wish and it must come true.”

