2013年4月10日 星期三

A Magic Wish Well - The End

     Both girls were interested in the well. Kiki said curiously, “Most people don’t believe in such strange thing. Neither do I.”

Sharon said, “This well looks so special. Why not try it once?”

Kiki agreed.  Sharon was a kind-hearted girl.  She said to the well sincerely, “Can you help our classmates Daisy and Katy not to hate each other?”

Kiki was an intelligent girl. She thought they should ask for more, so she said to the well, “Can you help them become good friends who can share things and play together?”

After making the wish, they left and went to Sharon’s home.  They chatted happily and forgot about the wishes they made.

When they arrived home, they were shocked. They saw that both Katy and Daisy were holding hands and talking happily. Sharon said, “It’s a miracle!”

Kiki replied quickly, “Oh, the well really works! Let’s rush back to the well and make more wishes.”

Immediately, they ran fast to the place but they were disappointed to find that the well disappeared.

Both Kiki and Sharon shouted in surprise, “It’s really a true magic well!”

