2013年4月10日 星期三

A Magic Wish Well - The End

     Both girls were interested in the well. Kiki said curiously, “Most people don’t believe in such strange thing. Neither do I.”

Sharon said, “This well looks so special. Why not try it once?”

Kiki agreed.  Sharon was a kind-hearted girl.  She said to the well sincerely, “Can you help our classmates Daisy and Katy not to hate each other?”

Kiki was an intelligent girl. She thought they should ask for more, so she said to the well, “Can you help them become good friends who can share things and play together?”

After making the wish, they left and went to Sharon’s home.  They chatted happily and forgot about the wishes they made.

When they arrived home, they were shocked. They saw that both Katy and Daisy were holding hands and talking happily. Sharon said, “It’s a miracle!”

Kiki replied quickly, “Oh, the well really works! Let’s rush back to the well and make more wishes.”

Immediately, they ran fast to the place but they were disappointed to find that the well disappeared.

Both Kiki and Sharon shouted in surprise, “It’s really a true magic well!”

A Magic Wish Well - Part 4

     The next day, it was Sharon’s birthday. After school, Kiki said, “May I come to help you prepare for the party?”

     Sharon answered, “Of course. Thanks so much, Kiki. You’re so nice!” 

     On their way home, suddenly, Sharon saw the same strange, deep brown hole while walking along the path. Soon, Kiki also saw it and asked, “What’s that?”

     Sharon said, “Oh, I’ve seen it two days before but I just left. This time, let’s get a closer look together.”

     They walked closer and saw the well again.  On the well, it wrote in big words, “A Magic Wish Well”.  Below the large words, there were some smaller words which wrote, “You can make a wish and it must come true.”

2013年4月2日 星期二

A Magic Wish Well - Part 3

     During recess, Katy left the classroom quickly and went to buy some snacks in the school canteen because she was hungry.  At that moment, Daisy saw that there was nobody in the classroom, so she went to Katy’s seat and take her new pencil.

     When Katy was back, she found that her pencil had gone.  She was a hot-tempered girl so she burst into anger.  “Who has taken my pen?  Who are you?” shouted Katy furiously. 

     Soon, she saw her pencil inside the drawer of Daisy.  “Daisy, you’re a thief!  You are the one who takes my pen!”

     On that day, both girls became enemies and they did not talk to each other.

A Magic Wish Well - Part 2

While she was walking along the muddy path, suddenly, she noticed something strange behind a huge tree.  Sharon stopped to walk closer.  She saw a big, round hole which was deep brown in colour.  It was surrounded by some uneven stones.  Sharon was a bit curious.  However, she had a lot of homework today so she needed to hurry back home and complete it as soon as possible.  

The next day was Thursday, the girls went to school as usual. Katy, who was a rich girl, bought a new fancy mechanical pencil to school.  She showed off in front of her classmates.  “See, it’s the prettiest and the most expensive pencil in this class. I think none of you can afford it!”  Hearing this, all the classmates were angry and went away. 

Seeing the pencil, Daisy was jealous of Katy and she planned to take it secretly.