2013年1月23日 星期三

A Bad Day at School

April is a naughty girl and has bad conduct at school. She likes playing in the lessons and is always late in submitting her homework. Sometimes, she bullies others and calls her classmates nicknames.  So, no one in the class likes her. 
      Last Tuesday, something unhappy happened.  In the morning, the teacher Miss Tong told each of us to write a letter to some students in another school.  All of us were very excited and clapped our hands.  We wrote our letters at once.  However, April did not write anything.

      At the end of the lesson, all of us handed in our work but April submitted only a blank paper.  After seeing it, Miss Tong was very angry.  She said to April, ‘Come out and see me outside the classroom!’ April followed her instructions.

      ‘I give you the last chance.  If you still don’t submit your work by the end of recess today, you need to explain it to the headmistress,’ said Miss Tong angrily.

      April didn’t care and spent the whole recess eating noodles.  Therefore, she could not submit her letter to Miss Tong.

      In the last lesson of the day, Miss Tong caught April to see the headmistress.  Finally, April was scolded by the headmistress and she cried.  At the end, April regretted and apologized to both the headmistress and Miss Tong. ‘From now on, I promise to submit my homework punctually,’ April said.

