2013年2月12日 星期二

A Diary of Sethni

12th February 2013

This morning, I didn’t need to go out, so I stayed at home.  Mother saw that the weather was fine.  Therefore, she washed all my pretty, colorful dresses and hung them all on the line in the garden.  I was so happy because I could wear the clean dresses very soon. 

After half an hour, Mother went out to the garden and planned to collect the dresses.  However, she was shocked to find that all the dresses were dirty and covered with mud.  I thought it was because of the muddy ground after the heavy rain.  Immediately, she put them into the water basin and washed them with soap water.  Mother scrubbed them hard but the muddy brown stain didn’t rinse out. Finally, mother added bleaching powder to remove the dirt.  Unfortunately, all the dresses became plain white.
At first, I was very angry and disappointed because I lost all my colorful dresses.  Later, Mother promised to buy me some new dresses in different colors.  I feel very happy today.  

