2013年2月17日 星期日


Dolphins are marine mammals. 
Some are very big and some are smaller in size. 
Dolphins are very smart and intelligent.
They can perform wonderful tricks to entertain the audience.
They are carnivores and they like eating fish and squid.
In Hong Kong, we can watch dolphin show in the Ocean Park.
Chinese White Dolphins are a kind of endangered species.
So, I want to take photos with them.
I hope all dolphins can live freely and happily in the ocean.

2013年2月15日 星期五

The Pet I want to keep – A Cat

I want to keep a kitten because it is cute and sweet. I prefer a kitten which is ginger and white, in short hair and with brown eyes.

To get a cat, I am going to visit some cat shelters such as SPCA or those run by animal volunteers.  Then, I will choose a cat which is gentle and obedient. 

I decide to be a responsible owner and treat my cat well.  To welcome my cat, I will decorate my home with a lot of shelves because cats like jumping everywhere.  I will also prepare some cat food for my lovely cat!  

2013年2月13日 星期三

My Favourite Festival

Christmas is a western festival to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.  It is on the twenty-fifth of December. 

We usually enjoy lavish Christmas feasts at restaurants.  They eat roasted turkey and gingerbread man.

We also have Christmas parties and people exchange presents.  Also, children can wear cute Christmas costumes during the parties.  They unwrap the presents on the Boxing Day.
Some people like to sing Christmas carols to praise the Lord.

I like Christmas the most because Aunt Eva comes to Hong Kong from Australia and visits me every year.

2013年2月12日 星期二

My Favourite Kind of Transport

My favourite kind of transport is MTR.  I like it because it is fast and convenient.  I take MTR to school every day.  Since it is very frequent, I can arrive at school punctually and I am never late to school.  There are a lot of seats but they are not always empty.  If I can sit down, I will read the school textbooks for revision and comic books for leisure.  I love riding on the MTR very much.

A Diary of Sethni

12th February 2013

This morning, I didn’t need to go out, so I stayed at home.  Mother saw that the weather was fine.  Therefore, she washed all my pretty, colorful dresses and hung them all on the line in the garden.  I was so happy because I could wear the clean dresses very soon. 

After half an hour, Mother went out to the garden and planned to collect the dresses.  However, she was shocked to find that all the dresses were dirty and covered with mud.  I thought it was because of the muddy ground after the heavy rain.  Immediately, she put them into the water basin and washed them with soap water.  Mother scrubbed them hard but the muddy brown stain didn’t rinse out. Finally, mother added bleaching powder to remove the dirt.  Unfortunately, all the dresses became plain white.
At first, I was very angry and disappointed because I lost all my colorful dresses.  Later, Mother promised to buy me some new dresses in different colors.  I feel very happy today.  

2013年2月7日 星期四

The Honest Boys

Kenny and his brother were playing football at home.  Suddenly, Kenny kicked the football hard but his brother could not catch it.  The football flew towards mum’s mug, which was on the table.  Unluckily, the mug fell down on the floor and broke into pieces.  Both Kenny and his brother were scared.  Finally, they said sorry to mum and she forgave them.