2014年2月3日 星期一

How to Show my Parents I love Them

To show my parents that I love them, I will try my best to be a good and an obedient child. First of all, I will do my homework every day seriously and then check them carefully by myself. I will work hard in the revision of the school subjects. This will make them happy. Also, I will help my mother do the housework, for example, to help her carry the heavy things like the laundry every day. Besides, when my parents are sick, I will look after them. For example, I can hand them some hot water or medicine. I can also do some massage for them to relieve their pain. I hope they will be happy every day!

Something I can do well at school

The thing that I can do quite well at school is to work as a helper for my own class. I have two duties, to be the monitor during lunchtime and to be the English subject leader of my class. I have learnt a lot in performing both duties. Being the subject leader, I need to collect homework from my classmates. Being the monitor, I need to jot down the names of those classmates who are noisy.  Sometimes, it is difficult especially when my friends chat. However, I am fair enough and they are willing to show cooperation. I am happy because I can help my teachers and I also become a more confident person than before.  

A Letter to Friend – Interesting Things to do during Summer Holidays

Dear Stephanie,
            How are you?
            I would like to suggest some activities to do during the summer holidays. First of all, you can take some art classes if you like drawing or painting. It gives you a lot of pleasure. You can also pick up a new language like Japanese so you can understand some words in Japanese comics. Also, you can play sports such as playing tennis or basketball. Doing sports is good for health. If you like reading, you can go to the library and read your favourite books there. It can enrich your knowledge. Do you like my suggestions? Please write back.

Your friend,