2013年8月19日 星期一

The Two Brave Princesses – The End

Within a second, Yoyo wrote many super functions of the weapon. At the same time, Coco added details on the drawing.  Then, they put the two pieces of paper together and poured a few drops of “Things come true” on them.

“Bom! Bom! Bom!” the gun appeared immediately and Yoyo held it tightly.  She fired continuous shots at the dragon bravely.

“Ouch!” the dragon shouted in pain and died.  From that day onward, the people live peacefully in the country and were no longer disturbed by the monster.

After years of hard physical training, the twins were both strong and healthy. They also grew up to become beautiful princesses.

When they grew older, they went to study abroad in a reputable university in another country.  They knew two handsome young men respectively.  After graduation, they got married to these two men, who were actually the princes in that country!

2013年8月14日 星期三

The Two Brave Princesses – Part 7

They looked at each other, nodded and gave a big smile.

At once, Yoyo wrote a paragraph to describe the most powerful weapon:

It is the most powerful gun in the world.  When you shoot it, it can continuously fire 20 bullets that target at the enemy.

At the same time, Coco drew a picture to illustrate the pistol written by Yoyo.  She drew it very delicately and all the details were clearly shown. 

2013年8月12日 星期一

The Two Brave Princesses – Part 6

“Oh my God, help us!” the twins shouted.  At the same time, Yoyo remembered the brocade sack.  From the bag, she took out a bottle of liquid which was called “Things come true”.  They read the instructions very quickly and it wrote, “Pour a few drops of liquid onto your drawing or writing.  Then, things will come true immediately.

“Wow! What an incredible liquid,” they shouted in surprise. 

The Two Brave Princesses – Part 5

         “Good, let’s stab into its tail first,” Yoyo said and rushed forward.

         However she stabbed into the rock and missed the target. Unluckily, her action woke up the angry dragon.

         “Oh, the girls must have come up earlier this year.  It’s good that I’m going to have a full lunch,” the dragon thought.

         At once, the dragon turned its head to them and opened its big mouth, showing its sharp teeth in the powerful jaws.