2013年12月16日 星期一

A Helpful Rilakuma

Once upon a time, there was a lovely, clean and brown teddy bear called Rilakuma.  She was very popular among her friends because she was helpful and generous. Rilakuma was a hardworking student who did well in every subject.

One day, the Mathematics teacher Miss Melody gave the class some difficult classwork. Rilakuma’s classmate, Hello Kitty did not know how to do it, so she cried. Luckily, Rilakuma was the one sitting next to her. 

She noticed that Hello Kitty was crying and asked her, “Kitty, what happened?  Is there anything I can help you?”

“Oh! I don’t know how to do the Maths classwork, boo-hoo…” cried Hello Kitty.

“That’s easy! Let me help you,” Rilakuma said confidently.

Within a few minutes, Rilakuma taught Hello Kitty to solve the Maths problem. Hello was very grateful to Rilakuma.

“It’s so nice of you to help me. Thank you very much!” Hello Kitty said sincerely.

Rilakuma was glad that she could help someone!

2013年11月11日 星期一

The Change of Fatty Sally

      Last year, Sally looked very fat. She had a plump face and weighed seventy kilograms. She had bad eating habits. She liked eating snacks such as chocolate and ice cream. While she was watching television, she ate a lot of popcorn, potato chips and candies.

      Sally became fatter and fatter. One day, her classmates started calling her ‘Fatty’. She was not happy hearing that. Therefore, she made up her mind to lose weight. Her mother suggested that she stopped eating junk food and started doing keep-fit exercise such as skipping, swimming, jogging and cycling. She did it for two hours every day.

      One year later, she became much lighter and slimmer. She is now thirty-five kilograms. She felt satisfied and was confident about her appearance. Now, she is not ‘Fatty’ anymore and her classmates call her ‘Beauty’.

2013年11月4日 星期一

My Role in Making a Cartoon Show

If I am helping to make a cartoon show, I would like to be a characters designer. There are a few reasons.  First, I want to use my imagination to create different characters which are original and special. In my story, I can draw fancy and cute characters like princesses and monsters. Then, I can create the personality of these characters and make them interesting to the audience. If all the characters in the show were designed by me, it would bring me a lot of satisfaction.

An Exciting Day

      Yesterday, I had an exciting day with my family. We planned a one-day trip to the Wetland Park in Yuen Long.

      We first took MTR and then changed to LRT to reach there. We bought tickets and then entered the park excitedly.

      We did several meaningful things inside such as watching birds and exploring mangroves. The most exciting thing was that I saw a black-faced spoonbill through the binoculars. I was very delighted.

      It was really an unforgettable day!